• 尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!

    frontview of uMR570

    Wide-bore 1.5T MR

    Powered by the exclusive uCS (united Compressed Sensing) platform, the uMR® 570 provides fast and high-resolution imaging and excellent performance of a comprehensive range of clinical applications. The uMR® 570 starts with an optimal combination of advanced hardware to deliver high homogeneity for extraordinary results.

    Rediscover Clinical Flexibility

    uCS®2.0 Platform

    Rediscover Image Quality

    Powerful, Robust System

    Rediscover Optimized Design

    Efficient Workflow

    Two medical staff are looking at the Wide-bore 1.5T MR screen.

    Powerful System

    150cm short superconducting magnet

    Industry-leading Uniform Magnet

    The new 150cm short superconducting magnet generates a uniform magnetic field, ensuring a strong foundation for superior imaging quality.

    front view of the 70cm wide bore

    70cm Wide Bore

    The 70cm wide bore provides comfort patient experience and simplifies off-center imaging workflow with fast acquisition.

    uCS®2.0 Platform

    The uCS®2.0 Platform enables efficient application of compressed sensing with a routine clinical workflow for 2D/3D/4D MR exams. The uCS®2.0 imaging technology pushes clinical boundaries of isotropic resolution and dynamic imaging speed.
    uCS®2.0 Platform workflow
    uCS®2.0 Imaging

    The uCS®2.0 Imaging Technology combines the strength of conventional acceleration technologies and innovative compressed sensing, bringing shorter scan times and higher image resolution of MRI with a maximum acceleration factor of 16x and sub-millimeter isotropic spatial resolution.

    uCS®2.0 Processing Engine

    The uCS®2.0 Processing Engine is a high-performance computing hardware platform that includes memory, data network and a premier CPU. The intelligent reconstruction algorithm complements the outstanding computational power, resulting in ultra-fast reconstruction.

    uCS®2.0 Platform workflow

    Efficient Workflow

    frontview of uMR570
    Intelligent and Automatic Table Positioning

    ONE-click automatic table positioning without a laser light.


    Automatic multi-step scan planning and image stitching with ONE-click.


    Intelligent, automatic, and consistent anatomical orientation.

    frontview of uMR570

    Clinical Application

    T2W FSE imaging
    T2W FSE
    T2W FSE FLAIR FS imaging
    T1W SE imaging
    T1W SE
    T1 FSE FLAIR imaging
    Whole-spine T1WI Stitching imaging
    Whole-spine T1WI Stitching
    Whole-spine T2WI Stitching imaging
    Whole-spine T2WI Stitching
    T1W QUICK 3D FS imaging
    T2W FSE FS imaging
    T2W FSE FS
    T1W FSE imaging
    T1W FSE
    T1W FSE imaging
    T1W FSE
    T1W FSE imaging
    T1W FSE
    T1W FSE DB 4CH imaging
    T1W FSE DB 4CH
    T2W FSE DB 4CH imaging
    T2W FSE DB 4CH
    The product is not commercially available in all countries. Due to regulatory reasons, its future availability cannot be guaranteed.